how to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine

Many people love yogurt as a tasty and healthy snack. It’s also surprisingly easy to make at home, especially with the help of an ice cream maker machine. In this article, we’ll show you an easy guide on how to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine, including selecting the suitable machine, gathering your ingredients and equipment, preparing the milk, running the machine, flavoring and cooling the yogurt, and storing and serving the final product. With our easy-to-follow guide, you’ll enjoy delicious homemade yogurt in no time!

Key Takeaways:

  • Making yogurt in an ice cream maker machine is a simple and cost-effective way to enjoy homemade yogurt.
  • You can make delicious yogurt at home by selecting a suitable machine, gathering the necessary ingredients and equipment, and following our step-by-step guide.
  • Flavoring options for homemade yogurt are endless, allowing customization to suit the individual’s taste preferences.
  • Cleaning and maintaining your ice cream maker machine is essential for optimal performance and longevity.

Why Make Yogurt in an Ice Cream Maker Machine?

If you love yogurt but want the same store-bought flavors, making yogurt in an ice cream maker is a game-changer. It’s a simple and hassle-free process, giving you total control over the flavors and textures of your yogurt.

Frozen Yogurt

Using an ice cream maker machine to make yogurt also opens the possibility of creating frozen yogurt. Add your desired flavors and freeze the mixture in the ice cream maker for a refreshing twist on traditional yogurt.

Yogurt Making Process

Making yogurt in an ice cream maker machine is much more straightforward than traditional yogurt-making methods. You need to heat and cool the milk, add the yogurt starter culture, and then let the ice cream maker machine do the rest.

Easy Yogurt Recipe

An ice cream maker is a great place to start if you’ve never made yogurt at home. The method is simple and requires no specialized tools so anyone can try it out.

Choosing the Right Ice Cream Maker Machine

Making homemade yogurt in an ice cream maker machine can be simple and enjoyable, but selecting the suitable machine is critical to success. Choosing the best option for you can be overwhelming with the abundance of options available.

CapacityThe cost of ice cream maker machines varies, so when making your choice, consider your budget.
Priceo make yogurt even more accessible, some machines have built-in timers or automatic shut-off features.
FeaturesYogurt-making has become even more accessible by adding certain machine features like built-in timers and automatic shut-off.

If you don’t have an ice cream maker machine, don’t worry! Without a yogurt or ice cream maker machine, you can still make homemade yogurt. Check out our article on how to make homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker for more information.

If you have an old electric machine, then don’t worry. We have a guide on “How to Use an Old-Fashioned Electric Ice Cream Maker Machine.”

Gather Your Ingredients and Equipment

You must gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment before making yogurt in your ice cream maker machine. Here is a list of what you need:

MilkIce cream maker machine
Yogurt starter cultureThermometer

Your yogurt’s ultimate flavor and consistency will depend on the kind of milk you select. If you’d like a creamier texture, we suggest using whole milk, but you can also use 2% or skim milk. Ensure your yogurt starter culture contains live active cultures and has not expired.

When creating yogurt, keeping an eye on the milk’s temperature using a thermometer is critical. You don’t need fancy equipment; an essential kitchen thermometer will suffice. Finally, ensure your ice cream maker machine is clean and ready. For setup and usage, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

You can start making homemade yogurt in your ice cream maker machine with all your ingredients and equipment!

Preparing the Milk for Yogurt Making

It’s crucial to properly prepare the yogurt starting culture and milk before adding the combination to the ice cream maker. Follow these steps for a successful yogurt-making process:

  1. Using a substantial saucepan on medium heat, bring the milk to 180°F (82°C). Keep stirring the milk to keep it from getting too hot. Heating the milk denatures the proteins, which allows the yogurt culture to transform the mixture into yogurt.
  2. Once the milk reaches the desired temperature, please remove it from the stove and let it cool to 115°F (46°C). This temperature is optimal for the yogurt culture to thrive. Use a thermometer to keep an exact eye on the temperature.
  3. Add the yogurt starter culture to the warm milk and whisk it thoroughly to distribute the culture evenly. One may utilize commercially available yogurt as a starter culture or retain some of their previous homemade yogurt. If using store-bought yogurt, choose plain yogurt without any additives or sweeteners.
  4. Cover the milk mixture and incubate for six to twelve hours at 110°F (43°C). The longer the incubation, the tangier and thicker the yogurt will become. Ensure the mixture remains undisturbed and at the right temperature during incubation.

Once the incubation period is over, the yogurt mixture is ready to be poured into the ice cream maker machine.

Pouring the Mixture into the Yogurt Machine

Once you have prepared the milk and yogurt mixture, it’s time to transfer it into the yogurt machine. Pour the mixture evenly into the machine to ensure even and consistent yogurt.

Start by turning on the machine and setting it to the desired temperature and time settings based on your yogurt recipe. Next, carefully pour the prepared mixture into the machine. Refrain from filling the machine, which can lead to uneven yogurt making.

Once you pour in the mixture, securely fasten the machine’s lid. It will help to maintain the correct temperature inside the machine, leading to successful yogurt-making.

Running the Yogurt Maker Machine

Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions, turn on the ice cream maker machine after adding the mixture, and let it run for the suggested time. Depending on the desired yogurt consistency and thickness, it usually takes 6 to 12 hours.

It’s critical to monitor the machine throughout this process because if the yogurt is left in the machine for an extended period, it may become over-mixed and lose its smooth texture.

We advise setting a kitchen timer if the machine you’re using doesn’t have one to ensure you finish the required time before stopping it.

Check the Consistency

Check the yogurt’s temperature and turn off the machine when it reaches the proper thickness and consistency. Before adding more flavorings, let it cool for a few minutes if it’s still warm.

With a clean spoon or spatula, carefully scrape off the yogurt stuck to the inside walls of the device, paying particular attention to any extra liquid collected at the bottom. It’s crucial to remember that the yogurt will continue to thicken while cooling, even though it may still seem a little runny.

Cooling the Yogurt

Once you remove the yogurt from the machine, you can cool it in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. This time allows it to set and develop a thicker, creamier texture. During this period, you can add flavorings like honey, vanilla extract, or fresh fruit to the yogurt. Be sure to mix well to ensure even distribution of the flavors.

Flavoring and Cooling the Yogurt

After churning your yogurt in the ice cream maker, it’s time to add flavor and cool it down.

Here are some ideas for enhancing your homemade yogurt:

Flavoring ingredientAmount per 1 cup yogurt
Honey1 tablespoon
Fruit preserves1-2 tablespoons
Cinnamon1/2 teaspoon
Cocoa powder1 tablespoon

When you add flavor, do so after churning the yogurt. Mix the flavoring ingredient into the yogurt until it is well combined. If using fruit, try to mash it or blend it into a puree before mixing it with the yogurt.

Once you have added your desired flavorings, place the yogurt in a container and cover it with a lid or plastic wrap. Refrigerate the yogurt for a few hours to cool and set. The longer the yogurt is chilled, the thicker and creamier it will become.

If you prefer a Greek-style yogurt with a thicker texture, you can strain the yogurt through cheesecloth or a fine-mesh sieve for a few hours before storing it in the refrigerator. It will remove excess liquid, resulting in a thicker, tangier yogurt.

Storing and Serving the Yogurt

After the homemade yogurt production process is completed, it becomes imperative to adhere to appropriate storage practices to maintain its quality and extend its shelf life. The optimal method for preserving yogurt is using hermetically sealed receptacles in a refrigerated environment. It is recommended to utilize glass jars or plastic containers with secure and snug-fit lids.

It is advisable to refrain from utilizing metal containers due to their potential reactivity with yogurt, which may afterward impact its flavor. Yogurt can be stored in a refrigerator for a maximum duration of two weeks. 

It is important to note that the longer you store it, the tangier it will become. If you prefer a milder flavor, consume it within the first few days of making it. Homemade yogurt offers incredible versatility and can find use in many ways.

There are various ways to consume it, including consuming it as is, including fruits, honey, or oats, or utilizing it as a replacement for other sour cream or mayonnaise in dips and sauces.

Making a parfait is a delicious and easy way to enjoy homemade yogurt. Layer your yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit and granola in a clear glass and enjoy it as a nutritious breakfast or snack.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Making homemade yogurt in an ice cream maker machine can sometimes be challenging. While it is a relatively simple process, a few common issues may arise. Below are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome these issues and achieve the perfect batch of yogurt.

The yogurt needs to be more runny.

If your homemade yogurt turns out too runny, it could be due to a few factors. It is advisable to assess the temperature of the milk before incorporating the yogurt starter culture. The milk should be under heating at approximately 180°F and cooled to approximately 110°F before the starter arrives. Additionally, ensure you use a yogurt starter culture with live and active cultures to ensure proper fermentation. Lastly, ensure that the mixture is left in the ice cream maker machine for the recommended time for proper thickening.

The yogurt is too thick.

If your yogurt becomes excessively thick, it might result from overextending the time in the ice cream maker machine or overheating the mixture beyond 180°F. Ensure that you adhere to the recommended time in the ice cream maker machine and keep the milk temperature below 180°F before cooling and introducing the yogurt starter culture.

Yogurt has a sour taste.

If the sour flavor of your yogurt is robust, it could be because you left it in the ice cream maker for too long or heated it too high, which broke down the culture too much. To avoid this issue, follow the ice cream maker machine’s suggested time and keep the temperature at the right level.

Follow the recommended time and temperature guidelines and use a fresh, high-quality yogurt starter culture.

Yogurt has a grainy texture.

Suppose your homemade yogurt exhibits a grainy or gritty texture. In that case, it might result from insufficiently heating the milk to a high temperature or incomplete incorporation of the yogurt starter culture into the mixture. It is imperative to heat the milk to a temperature of 180°F and incorporate the yogurt culture thoroughly into it before transferring the mixture to the ice cream maker apparatus.

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Yogurt Machine

Properly cleaning and maintaining your yogurt machine ensures its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some steps to follow:


After making yogurt, remove all the remaining yogurt from the machine and wash the removable parts, such as the bowl, lid, and mixing paddle, with warm, soapy water. Rinse all the soap residue and dry the parts entirely before reassembling the machine.

Wipe the machine’s exterior with a damp, soft cloth or sponge to clean it. It is best to avoid using aggressive cleaning products because they can potentially leave scratches on the machine’s surface.


Ensuring regular maintenance is crucial for maintaining the operational efficiency of your yogurt machine. Here are some tips:

  1. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific maintenance recommendations.
  2. Check the machine’s motor and other moving parts regularly to ensure they are in good condition.
  3. It is advisable to promptly replace worn or broken components to mitigate the risk of additional harm to the equipment.
  4. Keeping the equipment clean, dry, and calm is best, away from direct sunlight and dampness.

By following these tips, you can ensure your yogurt machine is always clean, well-maintained, and ready for your next batch of homemade yogurt!


Now that you know how to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine, you can enjoy the delicious taste of homemade yogurt anytime. Not only is it easy and affordable, but it also allows you to customize the flavors and textures to your liking.

Remember to choose the suitable ice cream maker machine that fits your needs, gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment, and follow the steps carefully. Remember to flavor and cool the yogurt to your preference and store it properly for future use.

If you encounter any issues during the process, refer to the troubleshooting section for solutions. And after making yogurt, make sure to clean and maintain your ice cream maker machine for optimal performance. With these tips and tricks, you’ll soon enjoy the creamy, delicious taste of homemade yogurt made in an ice cream maker machine.


Q: Can I use any milk to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine?

A: Yes, you can use any milk, such as cow’s milk, goat’s milk, or plant-based milk, to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine.

Q: Do I need a yogurt starter culture to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine?

A: You will need a yogurt starter culture to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine. We can purchase it from a store or a previous batch of homemade yogurt.

Q: How long does making yogurt in an ice cream maker machine take?

A: The time it takes to make yogurt in an ice cream maker machine may vary, but it generally takes around 6 to 8 hours, depending on the desired level of tartness and thickness.

Q: Can I add flavors to the yogurt while it is in the ice cream maker machine?

A: Yes, you can add flavors to the yogurt during the cooling process in the ice cream maker machine. We can add fruit puree, honey, or vanilla extract.

Q: How should I store the homemade yogurt?

A: The homemade yogurt should be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator. Consuming the yogurt within 1 to 2 weeks is recommended for optimal freshness.

Q: What common issues may occur during the yogurt-making process?

A: Some common issues that may occur during the yogurt-making process include failure to reach the desired thickness, separation of whey, or unpleasant taste. These concerns can frequently be overcome by manipulating temperature or utilizing an alternative yogurt starting culture.

Q: How should I clean and maintain the ice cream maker machine after making yogurt?

A: After making yogurt, cleaning the ice cream maker machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions is essential. It typically involves disassembling the machine, washing the parts with warm, soapy water, and drying them thoroughly before storing them.

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