how to clean out ice machine maker in fridge

Regular cleaning of your fridge’s ice machine maker is crucial to ensure that it produces fresh and clean ice. Not only does it improve the quality of your ice, but it also prevents any buildup of mold or bacteria that may decrease the machine’s overall performance. 

In this section, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to clean out your ice machine maker in the fridge, including the necessary supplies and tips for maintaining its cleanliness. Everything you need to know is covered in the “Guide on How to Clean Out Ice Machine Maker in Fridge.”

Key Takeaways

  • Regularly cleaning your fridge’s ice machine maker is essential to maintain the freshness and cleanliness of your ice.
  • A step-by-step guide ensures that your ice machine operates efficiently and produces high-quality ice.
  • Establishing a regular cleaning schedule and performing maintenance tasks can extend the lifespan of your ice machine and prevent common issues.

Importance of Cleaning Your Ice Machine

Regular cleaning and maintenance help maintain your ice machine’s optimal performance and extend its lifespan. It ensures that the ice produced is clean and free of bacteria or mineral deposits and prevents issues such as slow ice production, strange tastes or odors, and leaks. In this section, we’ll provide some essential cleaning tips for your fridge’s ice maker that will keep your ice machine running smoothly.

Ice Machine Maintenance

A regular cleaning and maintenance schedule ensures that your ice machine always functions correctly. Cleaning the ice machine helps remove mold, bacteria, or mineral deposits that might accumulate over time. Additionally, maintenance tasks such as inspecting the water supply line, replacing water filters, and checking for leaks can prevent more significant problems from arising.

Cleaning Tips for Fridge Ice Maker

When cleaning your ice machine, it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Depending on the model or manufacturer, different ice machines may have specific cleaning requirements. Additionally, using only approved cleaning agents is crucial as harsh chemicals may damage the machine’s components or leave harmful residues behind. Lastly, cleaning all parts of the ice machine thoroughly, including removable parts such as ice bins or ice scoops, is essential to ensure optimal cleanliness.

Gather the Necessary Supplies

Gather all the essential equipment before starting the step-by-step ice machine cleaning procedure to ensure a seamless and effective cleaning operation.

Here’s a list of essential supplies you’ll need:


GlovesRubber gloves protect your hands from any dirt or debris while cleaning.
TowelsSoft towels are needed to wipe any spills and to dry off the ice machine.
CleanerChoose a cleaner that is specifically designed for ice machines to avoid damaging the machine and contaminating the ice.
SanitizerA sanitizer is needed to kill any bacteria or germs that may be present in the machine.
BrushA small and soft brush is needed to scrub the ice machine components and hard-to-reach areas.
Waterproof containerChoose a cleaner specifically designed for ice machines to avoid damaging the machine and contaminating the ice.

Having all these supplies on hand will make the cleaning process quick and easy.

Preparing the Ice Machine for Cleaning

Before starting the cleaning process, it’s essential to prepare your ice machine to ensure a safe and effective cleaning. Here are the necessary steps:

  1. Shut off the ice maker: Locate the power switch or unplug the machine from the power source. It will prevent any accidental ice production during the cleaning process.
  2. Disconnect the water supply: Turn off the water supply to the ice machine and disconnect it to prevent any water leakage during the cleaning process. Follow your refrigerator’s manufacturer’s instructions for disconnecting the water supply.
  3. Empty the ice bin: Remove any remaining ice from the ice bin. It is vital to prevent any contamination during the cleaning process.

Now that you’ve prepared your ice machine, you can proceed to the next step of the cleaning process. If you want to clean a portable ice-making machine, we have a blog post on How to Clean Portable Ice Maker Machine Water Tray: A Guide.

Cleaning the Ice Machine Components

Deep cleaning of the components of your ice machine is crucial to ensure that mold, bacteria, and mineral deposits do not accumulate and contaminate your ice. Here’s how to do it:

1. Clean the Ice Bin

Empty any leftover ice after removing the ice bin. Using a non-abrasive sponge, scrub the interior of the ice bin with a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. After thoroughly rinse the bin with fresh water, pat it dry with a cloth.

2. Clean the Ice Scoop

Regularly clean the ice scoop to prevent contamination. Wash the scoop with warm water and soap, paying extra attention to the handle and other hard-to-reach areas. Rinse the scoop with clean water and let it dry completely.

3. Clean Removable Parts

If your ice machine has removable parts such as a water distribution tube or an evaporator plate, remove them and clean them thoroughly with warm water and mild detergent. Before reassembling the ice maker, thoroughly rinse the components under clean water and allow them to air dry.

4. Remove Mold and Mineral Deposits

If you notice any mold or mineral deposits on the ice machine components, you can use a solution of white vinegar and water to remove them. Mix equal vinegar and water and use a non-abrasive sponge to wipe down the affected areas. Reassembling the ice maker requires thoroughly cleaning all the parts with clean water and allowing them to air dry.

Cleaning the Ice Machine Interior

After thoroughly cleaning the ice machine’s removable parts, it’s time to clean the interior. This step is crucial to remove mold or bacteria that may have accumulated inside the ice maker. Follow these steps to deep-clean your ice machine interior.

  1. Empty the remaining water and ice from the ice machine bin.
  2. Mix a solution of warm water and nickel-safe ice machine cleaner following the instructions on the cleaner packaging.
  3. Use a soft-bristle brush or non-abrasive sponge to scrub the ice machine’s interior walls and other surfaces.
  4. Pay special attention to the ice machine’s corners, crevices, and hard-to-reach areas.
  5. Rinse the interior thoroughly with clean water to remove any cleaning solution traces.
  6. Sanitize the machine’s interior using a solution of warm water and a sanitizing agent. Follow the instructions on the sanitizing agent packaging.
  7. After thoroughly cleaning the interior with fresh water, use a towel or cloth to dry every component.

A deep cleaning the ice machine interior will ensure you have clean and hygienic ice. Repeat this process every six months or more frequently, if needed, based on the usage and condition of your ice machine. Deep cleaning of the interior of the ice machine will also prevent any mineral buildup that may affect its performance and lifespan.

Reassembling and Restarting the Ice Machine

After thoroughly cleaning your ice machine’s components and interior, it’s time to reassemble and restart it. Follow these steps to ensure your ice machine is functioning correctly:

  1. Insert the ice bin back into the ice machine and ensure it is securely in place.
  2. Reattach any removable parts you may have taken out during the cleaning process.
  3. Reconnect the water supply line to the back of the ice machine, ensuring it is tight and secure.
  4. Turn on the water supply and allow the ice machine to fill with water for at least 30 seconds.
  5. Plug in the ice machine and turn it on. You should hear the sound of the compressor kicking on.
  6. Please wait for the ice machine to make its first batch of ice. Dispose of this ice to ensure the removal of any remaining cleaning solution or debris.
  7. Your ice machine is now ready to use. Remember to continue with regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure optimal performance.

Maintenance Tips

Here are some tips to keep your ice machine functioning properly:

  • Use a moist towel to regularly clean the ice maker’s exterior to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Replace the water filter every six months to ensure clean ice-making water.
  • Check the drain line regularly to ensure it is not clogged and water flows freely.
  • Use a descaling solution to remove any mineral buildup from the ice machine’s components at least once a year.

Regular Maintenance and Cleaning Schedule

Establishing a regular maintenance and cleaning schedule is essential for keeping your ice machine in top condition. You can guarantee optimal performance and increase the longevity of your ice maker by adhering to a few basic cleaning and maintenance guidelines.

Cleaning Schedule

We recommend you clean your ice machine at least every six months or more, depending on usage. If you use your ice machine frequently, it may need more frequent cleaning.

In addition, if you detect any strange tastes or smells in your ice, clean the machine immediately.

  • Turn off the ice maker and disconnect the water supply.
  • Empty any remaining ice from the machine.
  • Remove and wash all removable components thoroughly.
  • Clean the machine’s interior with warm water, mild detergent, or an ice machine cleaner.
  • Rinse the machine thoroughly to remove any cleaning solution residue.
  • Sanitize the machine with a water solution and a sanitizing agent, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Maintenance Tips

Aside from regular cleaning, you can take some simple steps to maintain your ice machine’s cleanliness and optimal performance.

  • Regularly wipe down the machine’s exterior with a damp cloth to remove dirt or debris.
  • Ensure the surrounding area of the machine is clean and free from any potential contaminants.
  • Regularly replace the water filter to prevent mineral buildup and ensure water quality.
  • Inspect the machine’s components regularly, including the refrigeration system, to ensure they function correctly.

These easy-to-follow maintenance and cleaning guidelines will help you guarantee that your ice maker will continue to provide premium ice for many years.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Maintaining and cleaning your ice machine regularly can prevent most issues, but some problems may still arise. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you address common issues:

Slow Ice Production

If your ice machine produces ice slowly, there may be a clog or a problem with the water supply. First, check the water filter and replace it if needed. Then, inspect the water supply line for any kinks or blockages. If the problem persists, consult the manufacturer’s guide or contact a professional.

Strange Tastes or Odors

An unclean ice maker or water source could cause an odd taste or odor in your ice. Perform a deep cleaning of the ice machine following the instructions in this guide and replace the water filter. If the issue continues, consider installing a purification system to improve the water quality.


If your ice machine leaks, there may be a problem with the water supply, drain line, or ice machine components. Check the water supply and drain lines for any blockages or damage. If the problem is with a specific component, such as the ice bin or water inlet valve, consult the manufacturer’s guide or contact a professional.

You can keep your ice machine running smoothly and avoid costly repairs by troubleshooting these common issues and performing regular maintenance and cleaning.


Regularly cleaning and maintaining your ice machine maker in the fridge is essential for always ensuring fresh and clean ice. By following the step-by-step guide that we have provided, you can maintain the optimal functionality and hygiene of your ice machine.

Recall that routine cleaning aids in getting rid of any bacteria, mold, or mineral deposits that could compromise the machine’s overall efficiency and the flavor and quality of the ice. Establishing a regular cleaning schedule and performing maintenance between cleanings will keep your ice machine running smoothly, producing high-quality ice.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with regular cleaning and maintenance of your ice machine, issues such as slow ice production, strange tastes or odors, and leaks may arise. In such cases, it is essential to troubleshoot the problem promptly to maintain the optimal performance of your ice machine. Refer to our guide for troubleshooting tips.

Your ice machine can provide refreshing ice whenever needed with proper care and maintenance. Enjoy the convenience and quality of an ice machine that is clean, hygienic, and functioning optimally.


Q: Why is it important to clean your ice machine regularly?

A: Regular cleaning helps remove mold, bacteria, or mineral deposits that might accumulate over time. Along with the machine’s general performance, they can impact the ice’s flavor and quality.

Q: What supplies do I need to clean my ice machine?

A: You will need a mild detergent or ice machine cleaner, a soft brush or cloth, warm water, gloves, and a clean towel.

Q: How often should I clean my ice machine?

A: It is recommended to clean your ice machine at least every six months to maintain optimal cleanliness and performance. However, if you notice any unusual tastes, odors, or issues with ice production, it’s best to clean it more frequently.

Q: Is it possible to clean my ice maker with bleach?

A: No, using bleach or other harsh chemicals to clean your ice machine is not recommended. These can damage the components and affect the quality of the ice. Stick to mild detergent or ice machine cleaner approved for use in food service equipment.

Q: How do I empty the ice machine before cleaning?

A: Before cleaning, shut off the ice maker from the control panel, disconnect the water supply, and empty the ice bin. You can scoop out any remaining ice and discard it.

Q: How do I clean the ice bin?

A: To clean the ice bin, make an ice machine cleanser or mild detergent solution with warm water. Paying attention to any stains or residue, scrub the bin with a gentle cloth or brush. Reinstall after giving it a good rinse in clean water and quickly pat dry with a fresh towel.

Q: How do I sanitize the ice machine interior?

A: After cleaning the components, prepare a sanitizing solution with a food-safe sanitizer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate dilution ratio. Apply the sanitizer to the ice machine’s internal surfaces using a fresh cloth or sponge. Allow it to sit for the recommended contact time, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Q: What should I do if my ice machine is not producing ice?

A: If your ice machine is not producing ice, check if the water supply is connected and turned on. Ensure you do not turn off the ice maker or put it in a defrost cycle. Clean the machine’s components, including the water filter, to remove any blockages affecting ice production. Should the problem continue, we advise you to contact a qualified specialist for additional assessment and fixing.

Q: How can I prevent mold growth in my ice machine?

A: To prevent mold growth, regularly clean and sanitize the ice machine, especially the ice bin and water distribution system. Ensure proper ventilation and airflow around the machine. If the ice machine is unused frequently, consider emptying and cleaning it between uses. Keep the surrounding area clean and free from excessive moisture.

Q: Is it possible to descale my ice maker with vinegar?

A: You should not use vinegar to descale your ice maker. The flavour and smell of vinegar might linger and detract from the ice’s quality. 

Instead, use a descaling solution specifically designed for ice machines, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

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